Folk flung open their doors to a welcome surprise this week, finding metal fencing blocking off their garages finally gone for good.

After nearly six years of having to work around a gaping hole at the back of their homes, those living in Sunny Hill can now access their cars without hassle.

Metal fencing had been put up around the hole on a cobbled section in front of the garages which overlook Suncroft road.

This caused plenty of bother to 75-year-old Val Humphries and her 81-year-old husband Christopher with their car often clipping the fencing as they tried to manoeuvre around the obstacle.

Mrs Humphries - who is now retired - also recalled having to move the fencing back at 7am before she set off for work at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, believing kids had deliberately dragged it along the road.

Norwich Evening News: A very happy Val Humphries as work is being carried to repair the sink hole by her garage, and to sort the drainage at Sunny Hill and SuncroftA very happy Val Humphries as work is being carried to repair the sink hole by her garage, and to sort the drainage at Sunny Hill and Suncroft (Image: Archant 2022)

But that is now all behind her as the work has been completed by the city council.

Mrs Humphries said: "I went to drop something off the other day and thought: 'What the heck, I can actually get to my garage'.

"It must have been done at the end of last week.

"It makes such a difference. I could not have done it myself without the Evening News getting involved."

Ms Humphries turned to this paper's We'll Sort It campaign - which aims to get problems fixed across the city - after years of headaches over the issue.

Norwich Evening News: A before and after of the crater which appeared outside garages at the back of Sunny Hill in LakenhamA before and after of the crater which appeared outside garages at the back of Sunny Hill in Lakenham (Image: Val Humphries/Danielle Booden)

Mrs Humphries - who has lived in Sunny Hill for nearly four decades - had been filing numerous complaints to the city council in a bid to get the hole filled.

She was promised that works to fix the gaping hole would be done before Christmas 2021, only to be let down in the new year.

Drainage issues had then caused further delays before the fencing was removed for good.

Mrs Humphries said council contractors began digging on April 25 to replace the bricks.

Norwich Evening News: Valerie Humphries, from Lakenham, by the hole that has been blocking the garages since 2017.Valerie Humphries, from Lakenham, by the hole that has been blocking the garages since 2017. (Image: Archant 2021)

The city council has been contacted for comment.

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