A man who got a nasty knock on the head by his disintegrating roof has blamed the council for not fulfilling its responsibility to fix it after eight weeks.

William Watts has lived in Appleyard Crescent for 12 years and started to notice the issues with the roof roughly eight weeks ago.

Norwich Evening News: The wood which fell from Mr Watts' roof and hit him on the back of the headThe wood which fell from Mr Watts' roof and hit him on the back of the head (Image: William Watts)

The 44-year-old, who lives with his 15-year-old daughter and 13-yaer-old son, said: "The place is riddled with damp and mould already and then these issues with the roof started.

"With the rain there's water pouring in between the walls on the inside of the house and pools of water in the garden outside where it's streaming through.

"There's also bits of wood and roof tile falling because of the damage.

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"I was putting the rubbish away recently and a bit of wood fell and hit me on the back of the head.

Norwich Evening News: William Watts, 44, who lives in Appleyard Crescent with his two childrenWilliam Watts, 44, who lives in Appleyard Crescent with his two children (Image: William Watts)

"Thankfully it wasn't a big bit but if I was looking the other way it could've blinded me because it was all sheered and jagged."

Norwich Evening News: Due to the recent rain, water has been spilling out on to the front garden and inside the propertyDue to the recent rain, water has been spilling out on to the front garden and inside the property (Image: William Watts)

Norwich City Council have sent out contractors to inspect the property, but have yet to repair the roof.

A spokesman for Norwich City Council said: "We visited Mr Watts' home to make sure the roof is safe and a repair has been booked.

"We apologise for any inconvenience while this is completed."

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The continued chasing and state of the property is causing Mr Watts "emotional stress."

Norwich Evening News: Bit of roof tile has also started to fall because of the damageBit of roof tile has also started to fall because of the damage (Image: William Watts)

"It's frustrating because we've been waiting weeks for repairs" he added.

"It's emotionally distressing - it takes a toll having to keep ring up to get it sorted and disheartening when nothing happens.

"They could have put some tarpaulin over it just to make it a little safer and stop the water going everywhere, but it's just been left to the elements and got worse."

Norwich Evening News: Mr Watts lives in Appleyard Crescent, in Mile CrossMr Watts lives in Appleyard Crescent, in Mile Cross (Image: Google Maps)