Concerns have been raised over the width of a footpath on the city's outskirts where a new 5G mast is planned to be built.

CK Hutchinson is hoping to install the new 17m telecom pole in Heartsease Lane in Norwich's Mousehold area, as Norwich plays catch-up with the rest of the UK's 5G rollout.

If approved, the mast would be built in the verge between Heartsease Lane and Borrowdale Drive.

But Norwich City Council's highways department raised concerns that the plans submitted did not include a proposal to widen the footpath to ensure the cabinets and doors accompanying the mast did not reduce the path size.

Norwich Evening News:

The council is waiting to hear back from the telecommunications company about the proposal.

A statement included with the application read: "The enclosed application is identified as the most suitable option that balances operational needs with local planning policies and national planning policy guidance.

"It will deliver public benefit in terms of the mobile services it will provide."

An independent accompanying document with the application said the equipment would not pose a health risk to those living nearby.

Norwich Evening News:

Those wishing to comment on the plans have until Friday, March 31, and it is hoped a decision will be made by Wednesday, May 3.

It comes after Loddon and Chedgrave just outside the city got their first mast, which is expected to be switched on this week putting an end to the area's reputation as a mobile signal "not spot".

Norwich is lagging behind the rest of the UK for 5G connectivity with just 75 masts, while similar-sized cities such as Bristol and Leicester have 175 and 112 respectively.

The mast has become the seventh planned for the city this year as Norwich attempts to put an end to its internet blackspots.