People living close to a city beauty spot have been left “scared” by anti-social behaviour taking place there and are demanding the police make the area safer.

Nancy Harris who lives close to Bowthorpe Marshes said she avoids walking her dogs in the area during the evening because of the number of people drinking and smoking near the riverside.

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Norwich Evening News: The bikes are the latest of many to be dumped in the river where many families play on hot days The bikes are the latest of many to be dumped in the river where many families play on hot days (Image: Nancy Harris)

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She added that the section of the river is also being used for fly-tipping – with two Berly bikes being pulled out of the water last week.

Ms Harris said: “There is so much anti-social behaviour down there, people drink and smoke, and they smash their bottles in the water.  

“I’m scared to let my dogs in there – it's not very deep and most people just paddle.  

“But the visibility is not good at all, and there is so much glass in the bottom – my granddaughter badly cut her toe in there on glass and had to have it glued back together.  

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“People use the bushes in the area to drink and last time I walked past there was a carrier bag full of laughing gas – they are always effing and blinding, it's scary.” 

Locals have called for the police to do more patrols around the area to move along those who are causing issues.  

Ms Harris added: “It’s not students, and the councils and UEA look after the area – but it’s stupid people that just ruin it for everyone.”  

A police spokeswoman said: “We encourage people to report any incidents of anti-social behaviour to Norfolk Police via 101 or on the Norfolk Police website.”