A couple who had heating and hot water issues for four months are finally enjoying cosy conditions after the city council fixed their problem.  

Carly Rouse moved in to her partner Shaun Briggs' Fishergate flat four months ago.  

But the 41-year-old was less than impressed when she discovered a persistent issue with the home's boiler meant that they had intermittent heating or hot water.

The couple were becoming increasingly concerned for their welfare as the cold weather began to set in with no end in sight for their plight.  

Norwich Evening News: The boiler's most recent repair seems to have done the job The boiler's most recent repair seems to have done the job (Image: Carly Rouse)

Carly said: “I am Shaun's full-time carer and partner, he doesn’t fully understand what is happening, but during the time I have lived here there has not been any heating or hot water, with the exception of one night."    

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They even booked in to hotels to make use of the heating and hot water before returning to their cold flat – but it seems their issues are finally over.

The couple turned to the Evening News’ We’ll Sort It campaign for help earlier this month – which seeks to help folk across the city get their problems fixed.

Norwich Evening News: Shaun Briggs and Carly Rouse are relieved their boiler has been fixedShaun Briggs and Carly Rouse are relieved their boiler has been fixed (Image: Carly Rouse)

Now, after many council visits, the couple are pleased to finally have a working boiler after Gasway were able to repair it just over a week ago.  

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Carly said: “Our boiler has finally been repaired thanks to the help of the Norwich Evening News – we are now enjoying heating and hot water whenever we need it, which has taken some getting used to!”  

Norwich Evening News: Can the Evening News' We'll Sort It campaign help you?Can the Evening News' We'll Sort It campaign help you? (Image: Newsquest)

The couple are now looking forward to their first Christmas living together as a couple in their warm flat.  

Norwich City Council had initially disputed Carly and Shaun's claims but promised to follow up and check their boiler was working.

The council did not respond to a further approach for comment.