A rogue restaurateur who has captured the imagination of city folk has been immortalised in paint thanks to a local artist.

Orlando Williams has been courting controversy for years due to the Orlando's restaurant he was found to be running from his suburban home in Earlham Road.

It took Norwich City Council years to find Mr Williams was running the unlicensed Japanese, Indian and fried chicken restaurant from his home, which is run as a bed and breakfast legally.

Norwich Evening News: Orlando's in Earlham Road, which denies ever being a restaurantOrlando's in Earlham Road, which denies ever being a restaurant (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Williams was eventually told to shut the food side of his home business in July after this newspaper treated city councillors to an Orlando's takeaway.

But now city folk can welcome him into their own home, thanks to the work of a Norwich artist.

Norwich Evening News: Orlando Williams who has amused city folk for yearsOrlando Williams who has amused city folk for years (Image: Newsquest)

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Rass Fakour-Zaker, 41, who normally paints Norfolk landscapes, could not turn down the opportunity to paint the cook after a food blogger approached him with the commission and his partner Ilena Hunter, also an artist, told him he could not turn it down.

Mr Fajour-Zaker said: "I got the commission from a local blogger and I just couldn't turn it down really.

"We love following the Orlando stories, I think most people have taken a shine to him.

"I've always been behind him, he's a local hero sticking it to the system and keeping us entertained.

"He was great to paint as he has an amazing smirk."

Norwich Evening News: Mr Fakour-Zaker's Orlando Williams portraitMr Fakour-Zaker's Orlando Williams portrait (Image: Rass Fakour-Zaker)

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Mr Fakour-Zaker said he had only recently returned to painting in recent months, having done so for five years previously, and now he says the success of his portrait of Mr Williams has allowed him to open his own Etsy shop.

He added: "A while back I gave all my stuff away and stopped painting, but now I'm back doing it and it looks like it's really going somewhere.

"I'm now selling my work in the Artichoke too, so I've got to thank Orlando for all this.

"I'm now planning to paint some more local characters."