Norwich chicken lovers could find it easier to tuck into piri piri delights on the go after a popular city restaurant announced plans to install a service hatch.

Nando's in Red Lion Street has applied to build the hatch on the front of its city centre restaurant to serve delivery drivers and takeaway customers without them having to queue up in the restaurant.

In a statement submitted as part of the chicken giant's planning application to Norwich City Council, it stated the new hatch would "significantly improve the overall efficiency and functionality of the restaurant".

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It said the new installation would allow the business to make its operations as "safe and efficient" as possible.

The new plans come as delivery app drivers clog up restaurants across the city, with takeaways tackling litter issues.

The hatch will only be used during the restaurant's usual opening hours and will be shut when not in use to prevent smell and sound emanating into the street.

Those wishing to comment on the application have until August 1, with hopes a decision can be reached by August 29.