City pub staff have told a far-right group they are not welcome after their leaflets told protesters to meet in its car park.

Bosses at the Norkie in Bowthorpe were shocked when the leaflets were posted to homes in the city suburb with the name of their pub listed as a meeting place despite the group making no attempt to contact them beforehand.

The group, which calls itself the East Anglian Patriots, is planning to protest against the Best Western Brook Hotel in Barnard Road hosting migrants on Saturday July 1, while a counter-protest in support of the migrants will also take place.

Norwich Evening News: The leaflet which was posted through doors in BowthorpeThe leaflet which was posted through doors in Bowthorpe (Image: The Norkie)

Staff at The Norkie say they have been in touch to tell the right-wing group they will not be opening and raised concerns their protest could hinder emergency services getting to and from the doctor's surgery behind the pub.

The boozer will close its doors on the recommendation of police until the group has moved on.

Norwich Evening News: The Norkie in BowthorpeThe Norkie in Bowthorpe (Image: Newsquest)

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A spokeswoman for the pub said: "We are closing as we want people to be aware we are not associated and we do not want any custom from the protesters. 

"We do not agree with the protest and we want no involvement or association with something we do not stand for. I’m not sure why they mentioned the pub at all.

"We have made police and also the protest leaders aware of our closure and our lack of support, however they are still using our address.

Norwich Evening News: The leaflet which was posted through doors in BowthorpeThe leaflet which was posted through doors in Bowthorpe (Image: The Norkie)

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"We also think it’s disgusting as the doctor's surgery is directly behind the pub and if any patients or local residents require an emergency service at the time of the protest it is going to potentially be difficult for services to pass through."

Norwich Evening News: The Norkie in Bowthorpe has asked far-right protesters to stay awayThe Norkie in Bowthorpe has asked far-right protesters to stay away (Image: Newsquest)

She said the pub had received a lot of hate mail from those who had seen the letter and believed it was involved in the protest.

The spokeswoman added: "Our business has come under unnecessary slander and no matter how much we seem to post expressing our lack of involvement, people are still private messaging us saying they’re disgusted with us."

Norfolk police have confirmed they are monitoring the event.