A woman living on the edge of the city was shocked to find around £70 worth of plants being sold for charity had been stolen from her garden.  

The plants were for sale in Taverham as part of a project to raise money for Norfolk cancer charity Ladies In League Against Cancer (Lilac) 

Carol Key is a keen gardener, even coming second in the Evening News lockdown garden competition.  

Norwich Evening News: Carol Key and Margaret Tubby are raising money for a Norfolk cancer charity Carol Key and Margaret Tubby are raising money for a Norfolk cancer charity (Image: Carol Key)

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So, when Carol and friend Margaret Tubby wanted to raise some money for Lilac – inspired by Margaret's cancer battle 10 years ago – Carol knew she could sell some plants.  

The 72-year-old, who lives in The Street, said: “I have a really nice selection of plants, some I have grown myself and some I’ve acquired with the help of garden centres.  

“Every penny made is going towards our fundraising for Lilac.” 

However, Carol was left very frustrated when on Wednesday lots of plants had been taken, but there was no money left to pay for them.  

Norwich Evening News: The table was clearly sign posted as the plants being for sale to raise money for charity The table was clearly sign posted as the plants being for sale to raise money for charity (Image: Carol Key)

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Carol said: “Around 12 were taken, but there is a sizable sign stating the money is for charity - I was devastated that someone would stoop so low.”  

But Carol has decided to go one step better, continuing: “Originally, we were aiming to raise £1,000 but now I want to raise £2,000 from my plants. 

“People have been so supportive; we are all trying to understand what sort of a person would steal from a charity. 

“It’s the gall of someone to pull up outside my house, load their car with plants and then drive off without paying.” 

Norwich Evening News: Carol is a keen gardener and has grown lots of the plants for sale herself Carol is a keen gardener and has grown lots of the plants for sale herself (Image: Carol Key)

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Neighbours and friends are concerned that someone will go door to door trying to sell the stolen plants and are pleading with folk not to buy them.  

Carol will continue selling her plants from her home and hopes people will visit her stall outside 96 The Street and peruse her plants to help reach her goal.