A woman who assaulted an 11-year-old boy in the city centre had serious mental health difficulties, a court heard.

Yvonne Smith, who lives in supported accommodation in Rackham Road, Norwich, admitted to assault by beating of the youngster outside the Greggs bakery in London Street on Saturday, January 14, when appearing at Norwich Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 35-year-old also pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer on the same day at Wymondham Police Investigation Centre - throwing a tissue box at them - after she was arrested for smacking the boy in the face.

Paul Brown, prosecuting, said the boy was in the city with his mother and sibling when opposite him Smith started shouting in the street about hating men and wanting money for food as she was hungry.

He did not react to it but, in a victim impact statement, the boy said: "I was upset because I have never been assaulted before. I see she was probably mentally ill and taking her anger out on me because I had food and was male."

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The court heard his right cheek was hit and left with a red mark.

Lucy Brakewell, in mitigation, said: "She did not go out to deliberately throw the box of tissues or assault the young boy. She is accepting of them.

"The situation was misjudged because of her mental health."

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Chairman of the bench, Sara Cator, said the maturity of the boy was compelling.

Smith, who has paranoid schizophrenia and a lack of social skills, appeared in court and was ordered to pay £100 in compensation to the boy and £40 to the police officer.

She was also fined £60 for breaching a year-long community protection notice given on October 12 last year which prohibited her from causing a nuisance in the Norwich City Council area.