City lift surfers taking part in a dangerous online craze have struck again at a second city tower block.

Folk living in the flats at Duke's Palace Wharf in Duke Street reported it to councillors last week after surfers previously took to Instagram to post footage of their antics in Westlegate Tower in the city centre.

People living in the tower block say the incidents take place on a regular basis.

Norwich Evening News:

Watsons confirmed that as the issue was regarding an illegal entry, it will be dealt with by the appropriate authorities

It comes after police announced they were not investigating the incidents at Westlegate Tower as it said there was "no evidence to suggest any criminal offences have occurred"

Norwich Evening News:

Elevator surfing, also known as lift surfing, is an activity involving riding on top of elevators, rather than inside them.

Certain surfers may also attempt riskier manoeuvres like jumping between moving elevators and riding the elevator's counterweight.

Norwich Evening News:

The initial stunt was posted on the @roman_tayl0r account on Instagram and stunned both those living in the 12-storey building - which was converted into flats a decade ago - and the surrounding area.

Following the latest stunts it appears the account has been deleted.

Sue George, 64, who was passing the tower said: "It's disrespectful to those who live there. I've never seen anything like it before.

Norwich Evening News:

"They're possibly trespassing if they don't live there and it's so dangerous.

"I think they need something better to do really."