A group of former pupils are using the power of social media to track down their old class mates and recreate a school photo taken 40 years ago.

Norwich Evening News: Hethersett Woodside Infant and Nursery School. Picture: Denise BradleyHethersett Woodside Infant and Nursery School. Picture: Denise Bradley (Image: copyright: Archant 2014)

When a photo of the 1979 reception class of Hethersett Woodside Infant and Nursery School appeared on Facebook, former class member Stephen Fulcher said he was inspired to organise a reunion.

Now an employee at Fulcher Coachtrimmers in Hethersett, Mr Fulcher said seeing the photo brought memories flooding back.

He said: 'It's nice to look back on simpler and more innocent times.

'I was surprised by how many names I remembered.'

The photo shows the group of 32 pupils, then around six-years-old, posing with their class teacher Mrs Mumford.

Mr Fulcher said he had been put in touch with the former teacher via an old friend and that she was happy to be involved in recreating the snap.

The now 46-year-old former pupil created a Facebook group to track down the rest of the class, with a list of names compiled by other members.

So far all but two of the faces have been identified, with 15 confirmed as attending the reunion, with one ex-pupil travelling all the way from Canada.

But Mr Fulcher said the group was keen to find the remaining 17 class members for a 'full-house' photograph in summer 2019.

Although an official date has not been set, the Salhouse coach trimmer said summer would be the ideal time frame as the original photo was taken at the end of the 1979 school term.

Do you recognise a face in the photo? Get in contact with Stephen Fulcher via the reunion Facebook page.

Send your old photos and their stories to bethany.wales@archant.co.uk and check out our nostalgia supplement every Tuesday in the Eastern Daily Press and Norwich Evening News.