While I didn't get to the game on Saturday, everybody I've spoken to about it has been overwhelmingly positive about both the performance and the result.

The last home game I was at was the similarly important victory over West Brom, which was assured, professional and by all accounts fairly comfortable.

Admittedly, the trouncing away at Liverpool - during which we were very much architects of our own downfall - was something of a reality check of what may await should we somehow clinch promotion.

But given the torrid spells we've suffered during the season so far, it is remarkable we even find ourselves still in contention - but the table does not lie on that front.

The whole situation has got me thinking though - will the 2023/24 season ever make its mind up?

As Norwich City fans we are all very much used to living in peaks in troughs, going through cycles of good, bad and ugly.

However, it is difficult to think of a season where quite so many of these have been packed into one campaign.

While the realist in me does still think promotion is unlikely, were it to happen it would certainly feel unique - would there ever be a Norwich City season where a manager who for long swathes of time seemed destined for the chop has pulled off a promotion?

Admittedly, the 2014/15 play-off success season did have a disastrous spell of one win in 10 between October and November - but on that occasion, it did end in a managerial change.

And just like this campaign, that season also got off to something of a flying start before coming dramatically off the rails.

But even that season didn't feel to have quite such a confusing feel to it as this.

I've never known the mood and the form to swing so much - and only just over half way through.

In an odd sort of way, it would almost be easier if the slump in form had just continued - at least then we'd know where we stand and can concentrate on being angry again.

Instead, we're left in this funny sort of limbo - unsure whether to start believing again or to err on the side of caution.

I'm a big fan of rollercoasters, but if I were to ride one constantly for nine months I suspect the constant ups and downs would start to unsettle the stomach somewhat.

Being consistently inconsistent seems to be a real trademark of David Wagner's Norwich City.

At least if we were terrible all the time we would have a constant, know what we're dealing with and be able to manage expectations accordingly.

Of course, it should be clear by now that I'm being incredibly facetious here to emphasise just how up and down the campaign has already been.

We started the season by scoring eight goals in our first two away games. 

We've been handed a humbling drubbing at the hands of a team two leagues apart from us not too long ago.

We've had a hideous spell of six games without a win.

We've also had the funniest 2-2 draw of all time, in which the best Ipswich team in around 20 years still couldn't beat what at times has felt like the worst Norwich team in the same period.

There has been a brief time when we've looked almost dead certainties for automatic promotions and there has been times it looked as though we were sleepwalking to relegation.

We've had a resurgent spell followed by two deflating defeats in which we felt back to square one, followed by key wins over promotion rivals like West Brom and Coventry. With a sobering battering in the cup in between.

All in the space of six months.

Yet here we are, one of the form teams in the league and within touching distance of breaking into the top six.

There is clearly still a lot of football to be played and the way this season has been, who knows where it finishes?

Like anyone, what we really want is for this renewed form to continue and a real promotion charge to be mounted. 

But knowing the 2023/24 season it probably won't be that simple. I just wish it could make up its mind!

Idah move feels like a no-brainer

Norwich Evening News: Adam Idah

Adam Idah's deadline day move to Celtic sure came out of the blue - but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

The Irishman has gone on record himself to state he's a confidence player and these types of players need minutes.

With all the best will in the world, with a fit and firing Josh Sargent available, he was never going to get those minutes here.

When it comes to Idah, one of the biggest talking points has always been about his formative years at the club.

He rushed onto the scene with a hat-trick against Preston in the FA Cup and the inevitable hype which followed.

But pundits and fans alike have often wondered whether it had been a missed opportunity for him to go out on loan and further his development.

Now he has gone out though, it feels like a situation where nobody can lose - particularly which club he has joined.

It is actually difficult to think of a better move for a striker in need of building confidence than Celtic.

With all the best will in the world, and putting myself at risk of becoming enemy number one north of the border, he should get plenty of chances to build confidence playing for the best team in a league that isn't known for being particularly competitive.

Physical, yes, which will also be good for him, but competitive is a stretch.

So the way I see it, this move should be ideal for all parties.

If he goes away, wins a title, scores a hatful goals and comes back, he may well feel like a new signing - or a far more valuable asset financially.

If he struggles to find consistency there too, we at least know where the project stands. 

The only drawback I see right now is signing Pierre van Hooijdonk's son to replace him has made me feel about 500 years old!