Residents have described a planning application for a storage facility near Norwich as "totally unsuitable" and "dangerous".

A full planning application has been submitted to Broadland Council for land to the north of Sam Smith Way in Rackheath to be used for the storage of building materials and equipment.

Among the issues being raised by residents and the parish council are the negative impact of increased heavy traffic and access roadways being deemed unsuitable for this use.

The parish council has also stated the application is unclear over the potential environmental impact and have expressed concern over the site being expanded over time.

It has also been noted by the parish council that Rackheath already has an established employment and industrial area to the north west of the village.

Dennis Jeans, of the Honeysuckle Pension Fund, is listed as the applicant for the proposals.

His agent, P&P Design, has sent a letter to senior planning officer Julie Fox which states it is not anticipated that much traffic will be generated by the plans.

Ralph Kozmian-Ledward of P&P Design said: "We do not anticipate more than four to six vehicle movements a day and the site will not be accessed by vehicles larger than 7.5 tons."

A number of public comments have been submitted on the Broadland Council planning portal expressing objections to the proposals.

One Sam Smith Way resident said: "I’ve already had the kerb broken outside my property from heavy trucks trying to turn round on Dam Smith way.

"On the corners there’s barely enough room for two cars to pass each other.

"It’s not acceptable to have this at the end of a housing estate with no other access apart from through the estate with young families and children."

Another resident on Sam Smith Way said: "It is a very small estate with narrow roads. Who will pay for the road upkeep and keeping our children safe? Ludicrous."

And a couple in the process of purchasing a property on Salhouse Road wrote: "The increase in both noise, dirt, and environmental pollution caused by this kind of facility, and attending vehicles, is not appropriate for a residential area and will impact on both the resident's health and their quality of life."