I run a charity working with disabled people based at St Saviour Church, Magdalen Street, very close to Anglia Square and read with interest new proposals for development of the site.

The grassed area that surrounds St Saviour Church is used as a toilet by the local homeless people, a problem which is a health hazard, anti-social in every aspect and quite honestly disgusting for anyone to witness, particularly my clients.

Reports to Environmental Health are a regular occurrence as the drain becomes clogged with human faeces and the entrance pathways are soiled.

The council in their wisdom closed the toilets at the rear of our church several years ago exacerbating the problem of peopleusing the outside of the church to defecate.

I wonder if the council proposes to tackle the challenges of homeless people in the Magdalen Street area by providing toilet facilities when they plan their new exciting developments, alleviating the need for me to don my rubber gloves and clean the areas with disinfectant on a daily basis.

Should I really be having to face this each day?

Molly Rose-Hutchinson, Artistic Director and Chief Executive at Thalia Theatre Company