This is about as far from planning sense for the quality of life for our citizens as it's possible to get.

The Postwick Hub slip road is already struggling with the peak traffic flows at the traffic light controlled junction and that is before the NDR opens. It was certainly not part of or implied by the original planning consent for the Broadland Gate Business Park and indeed directly challenges the viability of that possible development. Will this be a quality piece of design on the road entrances into Norwich? It generates further unwanted car use, promotes fast food and follows the unhealthiest American lifestyle of sit in your car, eat chips and litter the countryside.

Environmentally, this land area should be used to ameliorate the traffic noise and air pollution of one of our major trunk roads, with extensive tree planting and vegetation. It should not become a drive through, hard surfaced desert, with surface water drainage problems and with horrible working conditions for staff. Is there a safe means of accessing the park and ride across the busy link road for workers and visitors in their roadside hotel?

This is an appalling proposal when I'm trying to find good things for the New Year.