Footballers from across the city played in the sweltering heat yesterday to raise money in memory of a Norwich teenager who collapsed and died after a game.

The tournament at Thorpe Recreation Ground was held in honour of Elliot Cooper, who was 17 when he died from sudden adult death syndrome (SADS), after playing for Thorpe-based team St Andrew's FC in 2008.

His old club, Sunday league team, Norman Wanderers FC, has held an event every year in memory of the former Hewett School sixth former.

Club secretary Steve Kenny said: 'We are trying to keep on the interest Elliot had in charity and keep his memory going.

'He collapsed and died doing something he enjoyed – that could happen to anyone and we just wanted to give up a few hours once a year in his honour.' Around 15 teams took part in the tournament from Spixworth FC, Norman Wanderers, Hellesdon FC and a veterans side from the Sole and Heel pub in Rackheath.

Supermarket Asda, which supports Norman Wanderers, also helped with the club's fundraising.

Elliot aimed to help the charity Glad's House by going out to Mombassa in Kenya after watching a documentary about its work in Africa.

And after his death, the club decided to hold a tournament each year to raise money for a charity, with funds raised from the first event helping Glad's House.

Money donated at yesterday's tournament will be given to Norwich Lowriders wheelchair basketball club.

Mr Kenny said: 'This year we decided to do something closer to home.'

The coach said they were aiming to raise �1,500 from the tournament, through a bar, barbecue, stalls and games.

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Are you holding a charity event in memory of someone? Contact reporter Tom Bristow on 01603772313 or email