A paddling pool in a popular city park is to get a �179,000 make-over to make it even better.

Norwich City Council is to use funds from developers to give the paddling pool at Waterloo Park a much-needed facelift.

An artist impression shows just what could be done to improve the paddling pool, and now the council wants to hear from people about what they think of the plans.

Paddling in Waterloo Park is popular in summer, but the pool is in need of repair, is expensive and time-consuming to maintain and must be emptied and refilled three times a week.

Under the plans the council wants to introduce new play facilities such as waters jets while keeping some paddling and sand pit elements.

Improvements should also mean the facility can be opened earlier in the summer season and used to the full seven days a week as there will be no need to empty and refill the pool.

The council has been asking families using the park what they like about it. The information gathered has helped draw up an initial artist's impression of what the new water play area could look like.

Now the council wants to know if people think they have got it right so they can finalise plans ahead of work starting in April 2011 ready for use next summer.

The council is currently exploring ways the water used for the play features can be recycled, for example to irrigate plants or the bowling green, but any work will mean the play area will likely need to be closed during April to carry out the improvement work.

Local people are also being invited to see new plans to improve water play in Waterloo Park on Saturday January 15.

The event will be held next to the existing paddling pool in the park with council officers and the city's Play Rangers on hand between 10.30am and 1pm to talk through the plans, answer questions and gather views.

Julie Brociek-Coulton, cabinet member for neighbourhoods – north and east said: 'The paddling pool has been a popular feature of the park for many years and we are confident from what local people have already been telling us that our exciting plans to give it a facelift will make it even better. Come along to our event and find out more; or if you can't make it we still want to hear from you.'

The formal consultation period will run from Tuesday 4 until Monday January 31. People can find out more information by visiting www.norwich.gov.uk and clicking on the Waterloo Park page of the A-Z. They can give us their views at the event on January 15 or by contacting the project team by emailing greenspaces@norwich.gov.uk or calling 0344 980 3333.