A former motorcycle shop in Norwich is to be demolished to make way for new flats and a new retail unit.

Planning officers at Norwich City Council have given the go-ahead for the former Dave Barkshire Motorcycle Centre in St Augustines Street to be knocked down.

Officers at City Hall used delegated powers to agree that two buildings could be torn down and replaced.

The new building would contain nine flats and a retail unit. Six of the flats would be one bedroom and three of them would be two bedroom.

The buildings, which date to the 19th century, were locally listed, but officers said their loss was bearable, given the benefits of redevelopment.

They said: "Whilst the loss of the locally listed buildings on site would result in some harm to the character of the area, the condition of the buildings is not good and they have also been significantly and unsympathetically altered."

Officers said the proposal would "deliver significant benefits".