The need for better health care provision in Mile Cross was on the agenda when North Norwich MP Chloe Smith met with the leader of Kings Community Church.

She promised to do all she can to get proper healthcare facilities and proper funding for the area to meet residents' health needs.

Ms Smith met Toby Skipper, leader of the Kings Community Church which runs the Kings Venue at the Norman Centre, Bignold Road, Mile Cross, where the health action shop closed earlier this year.

The Kings Venue – run by volunteers and funded by charitable donations – puts on events and sessions to benefit the local community, such as self-esteem courses and money advice. Many of the services run by the health shop have been transferred to the Norman Centre.

Mr Skipper, pictured, said: 'There is brilliant stuff already going on. We are just trying to work to ensure people partner and link up. There isn't a surgery in the area. Something like the health shop is needed.

'It was good to meet Chloe. We spoke about opening the building more, benefiting the already good work by linking agencies and organisations together.'

Ms Smith, who last month met Norwich GPs to discuss health care, was involved in the transition of the health shop services to the Norman Centre and says she wants to ensure the area receives the funding it needs.

She said: 'I do not want this area of the city to be forgotten and believe families there require better facilities. It is about fairer funding. Mile Cross is a deprived area and we need to ensure funding is allocated where it is really needed.

'Local GPs who serve nearby have told me of the pressures they can come under and I would like to see them well supported.

'I have been looking at how Mile Cross can get a fair deal under the old NHS and the new one coming in.

'Kings Community Church will offer a lot to local residents; I think they are very open to listening to residents about what is needed and wanted.'

Mr Skipper hopes to open the venue more frequently and for more activities in the new year.

Have you got a health story for us? Call Kim Briscoe on 01603 772419 or email