A man has been jailed for seven years for running a county line supplying crack cocaine and heroin in Norwich and into Essex.

Huseyin Nokay, 24, of Hertford Road, Enfield, appeared at Norwich Crown Court after pleading guilty to being involved in supplying crack cocaine and heroin at an earlier hearing.

He also pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and possessing criminal property.

The court heard how Nokay had been operating the Omar county line drug network in Norwich and also the Adam network into Essex between June 2020 and June 2021.

Norfolk Police county lines team executed a warrant at Nokay’s home address in Enfield on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, following a four-month investigation in which Nokay was suspected of controlling the two lines.

During that investigation, officers identified phone lines sending out thousands of text and Whatsapp messages offering crack cocaine and heroin for sale to drug users in Norwich and Harlow in Essex.

Working with officers from the Metropolitan Police under Operation Orochi, the phone lines were traced to Nokay and the investigation also established some of the phones used for the network had been travelling between Enfield and Norfolk.

Following a police visit to Nokay’s address, he was found to be discarding mobile phones from his bedroom window which officers located and seized.

These were later analysed and found to be those phones used to control the Omar and Adam county lines.

Officers also found nearly £20,000 in cash hidden in a wardrobe, a small quantity of cannabis - and further forensic enquiries also linked Nokay to a package of crack cocaine and heroin which was seized from a vehicle in Norwich in June 2020.

PC Michael LeFevre, from Norfolk Police county lines team, said: “Our investigation has resulted in the permanent closure of a county line in both Norfolk and Essex - taking crack cocaine and heroin off our streets whilst protecting those at risk of harm from this type of drug network.

“Our joint working with the Metropolitan Police, under Operation Orochi, is having a huge impact on the supply of crack and heroin in Norfolk and it is now one of the most hostile areas to try to profit from drug dealing."