A business in the heart of Sprowston on the outskirts of the city is beating the cost-of-living crisis.  

White House Farm has many independent businesses and says they are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

The farm shop in particular has endured a long struggle to get back on its feet following the pandemic, but its charm resonates with diners looking to eat in a laid-back and stylish setting. 

Norwich Evening News: Big brunches have helped the business get back to where they were pre pandemic. Big brunches have helped the business get back to where they were pre pandemic. (Image: White House Farm)

And it’s their "instagramable" big breakfasts they have to thank for getting them back to where they were pre-pandemic. 

Charlotte Gurney, who runs White House Farm with husband Oliver, said: “Customers are embracing a big brunch because it's cheaper than lunch and by eating later it keeps them fuller for longer.  

“We now offer Eggs Royale, Eggs Benedict, Full English with our award-winning sausages and bacon, smashed avocado on toast, mushrooms on toast and a French toast which is a brioche topped with fruit compote and maple syrup.   

Norwich Evening News: Their busiest day is Saturday while they still have lots of availability on Wednesdays. Their busiest day is Saturday while they still have lots of availability on Wednesdays. (Image: White House Farm)

“I also truly believe free parking is a winner, so unlike in the city customers don't have to watch the clock.” 

But what are Charlotte's top tips for surviving an economic crisis as a small business? 

She said: “The beauty of small businesses is they can be adaptable; they are nimbler than the giants and decisions can be made and actioned quickly.” 

Norwich Evening News: With options to suit even a sweet toothWith options to suit even a sweet tooth (Image: White House Farm)

They strive for staff that are proud to work with them and customers that feel like family because they know the business and employees so well.  

She added: “We are small, working with other small suppliers from around the county, we have character. 

Norwich Evening News: Charlotte is proud of the some 150 staff and many business that call White House Farm home.Charlotte is proud of the some 150 staff and many business that call White House Farm home. (Image: White House Farm)

“We can share this in our marketing story which means our feeds are full of authentic, quirky, and entertaining messages which help customers engage with our site.  

“Being happy, saying a bright good morning to a customer makes all the difference.” 

Norwich Evening News: The farm shop even does eggs royale. The farm shop even does eggs royale. (Image: White House Farm)