Staff and customers of a city pub and restaurant have raised £8,000 for a hospital charity through mussel sales.

Managers at The Belgian Monk, in Pottergate, donate 50p from every portion of mussels sold as part of its Mussels for Muscles initiative.

This scheme helps the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital neuroscience department to purchase specially adapted wheelchairs for those suffering from muscular disease.

Recently the restaurant's staff presented hospital staff with a cheque for the sum.

Norwich Evening News: The venue serves 300kg of mussels each week The venue serves 300kg of mussels each week (Image: Submitted)

Co-owner of The Belgian Monk, Will Clayton, said: "At The Belgian Monk, we love living and working in our local community.

"Giving back in the form of charitable raising is something we have always done, and we are delighted to work with the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital with the Mussels for Muscles initiative.

"Our teams and customers help us make a real difference to those in need and we will always continue to support vital local causes wherever we can.

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"A massive thank you to all the dedicated teams and staff at the N&N for the work they do day in and day out.”

Norwich Evening News: The Belgian Monk raises huge sum for Norwich hospital through mussel sales The Belgian Monk raises huge sum for Norwich hospital through mussel sales (Image: Submitted)

Hospital representatives including Dr Jeff Cochius and Dr Ekkehart Staufenberg were present to accept the cheque from Clive Hitchens and Dawn Palmer from the pub.

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Fundraising coordinator Samuel Ridge-Ward said: "All of the good work that we do is underpinned by the work of wonderful places like The Belgian Monk and their commitment to the community.

"We are honoured to be here today to accept this amazing donation.”

Norwich Evening News:  The Belgian Monk, located in Norwich Lanes, specialises in Belgian cuisine and beer The Belgian Monk, located in Norwich Lanes, specialises in Belgian cuisine and beer (Image: Submitted)

Service director for neurology, Dr Cochius, added: "We are incredibly grateful for the generosity shown by the patrons of The Belgian Monk, and highly appreciative of the money that has been collected which will be put to great use within the neuroscience department.”

The Belgian Monk specialises in Belgian cuisine and beer, serving more than 300kg of mussels each week.