A new initiative providing guidance and support for menopausal women has yielded positive results, according to participant feedback.

This collaboration between Age UK Norwich and Panacea Pause saw the successful trial of the Navigating Menopause programme that began in early 2024.

The eight-week course offered each woman personal support in understanding and dealing with the physical, emotional and social changes related to menopause.

Regular sessions included useful information about hormonal fluctuations and dietary advice, paired with gentle exercises designed to build strength and lessen discomfort.

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Perspectives were gathered at the end of the programme.

One participant said: “I spent many years thinking I was going crazy, and wondering what all these symptoms were.

"And even with a background in healthcare, I knew it was hormones, but until you come to a class like this, and you learn from other people that you are not the only person going through it.”

Another participant said: “I was able to go to my GP and explain my symptoms and without doing this course I wouldn’t have had that understanding.

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"I can recommend this course to anybody who has any questions about menopause."

All attendees mentioned that they would recommend the course to a friend.

Michelle Rowlinson, founder of Panacea Pause, said: “I've found immense joy and fulfilment in leading these eight-week menopause workshops.

"Witnessing those transformative 'aha' moments and seeing participants apply their new knowledge in real life, especially when it comes to securing treatments like HRT, has been incredibly rewarding.

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"I am deeply passionate about this topic, and it brings me great satisfaction to know that these workshops can significantly enhance the quality of life for many."

The next course will take place at Witard Baptist Church every Monday from 6pm to 8pm, commencing on June 10.

Those interested can reach out to Age UK Norwich via phone or email to register.