A Norwich couple feel 'lucky to be alive' after being involved in a car crash the day they arrived on holiday in Iceland. 

Elliot Griffiths, 26, and Zak Nelson, 28, arrived in the country on April 19, but more than 10 days later Mr Griffiths is still in hospital recovering from the crash.

After arriving at the airport, the couple hired a car to see the country's sights and were driving to see their final attraction of the day when an oncoming car drifted onto their side of the road.

Mr Nelson, a First Bus marketing executive, said: "I had no time to react and they hit us head-on.

"I was doing the speed limit here, which is 55mph, and presumably they were doing the same."

Norwich Evening News: The damage to the car following the crash The damage to the car following the crash (Image: Zak Nelson)

The couple were taken to hospital in separate ambulances, not knowing if the other was still alive, before being reunited in the hospital's intensive care unit.

Mr Nelson added: "I asked if we could see each other and they wheeled us together - that’s when Elliot proposed."

After not knowing whether his partner was alive or not, and not being able to imagine a life without him, as soon as the partners were reunited, Mr Griffiths decided to propose. 

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The special moment didn't last long however as Mr Griffiths, who had suffered an internal bleed, was swiftly wheeled into emergency surgery. 

Norwich Evening News: The couple had been visiting some of the country's attractions before the crashThe couple had been visiting some of the country's attractions before the crash (Image: Zak Nelson)

"We've been told several times that we’re lucky to be alive," Mr Nelson said. 

"Yesterday, the surgeon that operated on Elliott looked at me and said ‘I'm staggered that you walked out of here after a couple of days with just bruises'.

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"He then looked at Elliot and said 'I’m staggered that you're even alive - I’m staggered you’re here'."

Norwich Evening News: Zak Nelson, left, and Elliot Griffiths got engaged in an Icelandic hospital after being involved in a car crash Zak Nelson, left, and Elliot Griffiths got engaged in an Icelandic hospital after being involved in a car crash (Image: Zak Nelson)

After Mr Nelson was discharged on April 21, he ventured into Reykjavik to buy a ring for his new fiance.

Mr Griffiths is reportedly in good spirits and keen to return home but will have to wait until he is declared well enough to travel.