Two men have admitted stealing thousands of pounds worth of beauty products during a series of shop raids across Norfolk.  

Florin Zaplan, 20, and Ionut Curt, 19, targeted a series of branches of Boots and Superdrug during a day-long shoplifting spree from King’s Lynn and Great Yarmouth.

The Romanian pair made off with huge quantities of various cosmetics, make-up and other health and beauty products worth more than £4,000 in total. 

Norwich Evening News: Boots in King's Lynn was among the branches hit by Florin Zaplan and Ionut CurtBoots in King's Lynn was among the branches hit by Florin Zaplan and Ionut Curt (Image: Google)

Their crime spree on January 22 was eventually halted when the Ford Focus they were using to travel around the county was stopped by police for being uninsured on Bracondale in Norwich.

READ MORE: Romanian women accused of £30k cosmetics shoplifting spree

Both men had travelled into Norfolk from Peterborough to specifically hit stores where they could steal easy to resell beauty items, a favourite target for shoplifters because of their small size but high value. 

A gang of six Romanian women are currently awaiting trial at Norwich Crown Court in September for a separate shoplifting plot that allegedly saw them steal cosmetics worth more than £30,000.

Norwich Evening News: Florin Zaplan (right) appeared at Norwich Magistrates' Court after admitting series of shop thefts Florin Zaplan (right) appeared at Norwich Magistrates' Court after admitting series of shop thefts (Image: Newsquest)

Zaplan, of New Road in Peterborough, appeared at Norwich Magistrates’ Court to be sentenced having previously pleaded guilty to four counts of shop theft as well as driving without insurance or a licence. 

Magistrates adjourned the case after hearing he had failed to attend an appointment for a pre-sentence report. 

READ MORE: Gang who raided John Lewis stores across East Anglia jailed

He was warned all options, including being sent to prison, remain a possibility as his sentencing was adjourned to King’s Lynn Magistrates Court on May 9. 

Bail conditions ban him from all stores except a branch of Lidl.

Norwich Evening News: Make-up, cometics and beauty products worth more than £4,000 were stolen in 24 hoursMake-up, cometics and beauty products worth more than £4,000 were stolen in 24 hours (Image: PA)

An arrest warrant was issued for Curt, of Cobden Avenue in Peterborough, after he failed to turn up at court.

The pair admit stealing items worth £1,091 from Superdrug at Fakenham, £334 from Boots in King’s Lynn, £574 from Boots in Cromer, and £970 from the branch of Boots at the Gapton Hall Retail Park at Great Yarmouth.