A pub at the heart of Norwich's Golden Triangle has beat almost 1000 other venues to be shortlisted for an award.

The Garden House, in Pembroke Road, has been shortlisted for a PubAid Community Pub Hero award.

Regular customer, David Brown, nominated the Garden House for a Community Sport Hero Award after its owners, Jonathan and Tanya Childs, held a quiz night to fund raise for new goals for his son's football team.

Norwich Evening News: The pub is run by Jonathan and Tanya ChildsThe pub is run by Jonathan and Tanya Childs (Image: Archant)

Mr Brown said: "They do so much for the local community, I could have nominated them in every category. 

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"I know they support a number of grassroots and university sports teams so they are firmly at the heart of community sport." 

Co-owner Mr Childs said: "We are thrilled to hear that our pub, The Garden House, Norwich, has made it to the finals of the PubAid Community Pub Hero Awards 2024. 

"This recognition is testament to the incredible support and dedication of our local community and we want to thank everyone who has supported our much-loved neighbourhood pub and made this achievement possible.

Norwich Evening News: It will go up against two other pubs at the ceremony in LondonIt will go up against two other pubs at the ceremony in London (Image: Newsquest)

"It really is an honour to be part of such a vibrant and caring community."

Des O’Flanagan, co-founder of PubAid, added: “We launched these awards to celebrate the great work that pubs do for their community.

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"The Garden House is a perfect example of how pubs support and are a hub for many people in their community.

"It was very hard to get to a shortlist so even getting to the finals is an amazing accolade for the The Garden House.”

The winners will be announced at an award ceremony at the House of Parliament on March 5.