Families living in a village on the outskirts of Norwich are being given the chance to immerse themselves in the natural wonder of its woodland snowdrops as well as a history of the area.

St Peter's Church in Spixworth is the place to go this weekend for those looking to get a closer look at one of the surest natural signs that spring is on its way.

Sheelagh Cook, churchwarden of the Buxton Road church, said: "This year at least the snowdrops have enjoyed the wet weather and with easily accessible snowdrops in Spixworth Churchyard and great walks to the woods on the farm these snowdrop walks offer something for everyone."

Norwich Evening News: Snowdrops at SpixworthSnowdrops at Spixworth (Image: Sheelagh Cook)There will be the chance to take part on very short walks as well as longer routes of up to three miles.

Refreshments will be served all day in the church which will also be hosting an exhibition of some of the many objects found on the farmland at Spixworth.

Snowdrop walks take place on February 18 and March 2 between 11am and 4.30pm.

Adults are £4 and children are free while dogs are welcome on leads.