A 66-year-old man who says he did not want to walk around a Norfolk village in "wet feet" has blamed a £50 parking fine on a puddle.

Colin Hunn, from Taverham, is challenging a penalty for not buying a ticket while parked off Clink Road in Sea Palling on Saturday, February 10.

He said he was "unable" to purchase a car park ticket as the area immediately in front of the machine was "substantially waterlogged".

But North Norfolk District Council (NNDC), which runs the carpark, said Mr Hunn should have looked elsewhere for parking.

Norwich Evening News: North Norfolk District Council said a man who was blamed a puddle for not getting a ticket should have parked somewhere else. North Norfolk District Council said a man who was blamed a puddle for not getting a ticket should have parked somewhere else. (Image: Colin Hunn)

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Mr Hunn said the authorities in question "have refused to rescind it, despite acknowledging the amount of water surrounding the machine".

"I feel very annoyed about this," Mr Hunn said.

"I am 66 years old and did not want to walk round Sea Palling with wet feet as I did not have any Wellington boots in my car."

He has challenged the fine - but a letter from Parking Operations said they appreciated the circumstances regarding weather and puddles but added that vehicles must not be left unattended when in a council car park without a valid parking ticket.

A spokesperson for NNDC said: “It is a legal requirement to display a valid car parking ticket, either a physical or digital ticket through the MiPermit app.

"Rural unmade car parks can get wet or muddy in times of heavy weather, which north Norfolk has recently experienced."

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The council said car parks are "regularly monitored for improvements" and visitors who are unable to purchase a ticket through physical or digital options should "seek parking elsewhere to avoid being issued a parking ticket".

They said that damage or inaccessible machinery could be reported to the council.

"Anyone wishing to appeal a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) for parking may do so, details can be found on the back of the fine.”