A city coffee chain has been named among the most popular in the UK.

Strangers Coffee, which has shops in Pottergate, Dove Street and Jarrolds, is one of the top independent coffee companies in the country. 

Google, Instagram and TikTok data from more than 300 cafes and coffee roasters was looked at to determine which was the most popular - with Strangers ranking number six overall

READ MORE: See the new pop-up coffee shop inside Jarrold department store

Norwich Evening News: A new pop-up was opened in Jarrolds last AugustA new pop-up was opened in Jarrolds last August (Image: Denise Bradley, Newsquest)

It was searched 43,200 times on Google last year, tagged 3,093 times on Instagram and had 207,400 related views on TikTok.

Federal in Manchester was the most popular independent cafe outside of London with almost 400,000 global searches per year and 1.1 million TikTok views.

Strangers specialises in artisanal roasted coffee and was set up by Alex Sargeant and William and Samuel Maddox in 2009.

In August, the team launched a new pop-up stall on the ground floor of Jarrolds department store which Alex said was similar to those seen in London.