It has been one of the biggest points of controversy in the city for the past three years.

But a new report suggests the row over parking charges at a city park has caused less problems than first thought.

An investigation into the number of fee-dodging drivers using side streets surrounding Eaton Park to leave their cars has revealed there has been just one complaint in the last 12 months.

Norwich Evening News: Eaton car park was empty a month after charges came into force in February 2023Eaton car park was empty a month after charges came into force in February 2023 (Image: Submitted)

It follows the introduction of car park charges at Eaton Park in February last year, becoming the first park in the city to do so. 

At a full council meeting this week, Adam Giles, cabinet member for communities and social inclusion, said the sole complaint related to a car parking on a verge on South Park Avenue, which runs along the southern side of the site.

Norwich Evening News: Adam Giles, cabinet member for communities and social inclusionAdam Giles, cabinet member for communities and social inclusion (Image: Norwich City Council)

But there was found to be no wrongdoing as there are no restrictions in place preventing drivers from parking on the pavement on this road.

However, a member of the public questioned whether there had been enough done to advertise the review to get an accurate picture of the effect of the charges.

The introduction of the charges took three years to come into force and followed a public consultation which led to 91pc of people rejecting the idea.

Norwich City Council said it was necessary to raise much-needed revenue in efforts to plug City Hall's £6.2m budget gap.

The move provoked anger among locals who feared it would lead to nuisance drivers using side streets to leave their cars to avoid paying the new costs.

Initially, several people raised the issue, describing the situation as a "nightmare" leading to kerbside battles between visitors and those who live in the vicinity.

However, it would seem the situation has not led to as many problems as first feared.

Have you faced problems caused by nuisance drivers parking on side streets around Eaton Park? 

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