An Indian restaurant in a Norfolk town is having its licence reviewed by a council after an immigration raid which led to two arrests.

The Home Office's immigration enforcement team carried out an "intelligence-led" raid of The Raj in Loddon on Thursday, October 5.

The Home Office has confirmed two Bangladeshi males were arrested during the raid of the premises and will be dealt with by immigration rules.

But Mohammed Uddin, the restaurant's manager since 2017, says the arrests were a "mistake" and he will go to court to prove it if necessary.

Norwich Evening News: The Raj's owner is working with his solicitor to contest the pressure on his businessThe Raj's owner is working with his solicitor to contest the pressure on his business (Image: Denise Bradley)He explained: "The people arrested were not working at my restaurant and they were coming in for cleaning just for one or two hours, and that was when they raided. 

“The arrests were a mistake and I am working with my solicitor to challenge the review of my licence and the arrests.

"We are an honest hardworking business and love serving the people of our town and will fight this unfair decision."  

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The business owner has been served with two Civil Penalty Referral Notices, making Mr Uddin potentially liable for a fine of up to £20,000 per illegal worker. 

Following the arrests at the immigration raid, the Home Office has advised the South Norfolk Council's licencing department to review the business's licence.

Norwich Evening News: The last date to make any representations to South Norfolk Council is February 21The last date to make any representations to South Norfolk Council is February 21 (Image: Denise Bradley)READ MORE: Firefighter given hero's send-off as he retires after 33 years

Any representations on the business's licence must be made to South Norfolk Council by February 21.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: "Illegal working causes untold harm to our communities, cheating honest workers out of employment, putting vulnerable people at risk, and defrauding the public purse.

“Illegal working visits are up by more than 68pc on last year and arrests have more than doubled, with more people arrested in 2023 than during the whole of 2022 because of this activity."

Norwich Evening News: The Raj in LoddonThe Raj in Loddon (Image: Denise Bradley)