Concerns have been raised over a rise in crime after a city centre McDonald's applied to stay open until the early hours of the morning. 

The site in Hay Hill, which currently closes at midnight every day, is hoping to continue trading until 2am on Friday and Saturday nights while remaining open until midnight Sunday to Thursday. 

Norwich Evening News: McDonald's in HaymarketMcDonald's in Haymarket (Image: Newsquest)

The application follows a trial period of the two-hour extension by the fast food giant.

But Green city councillor Amanda Fox, who represents the city centre, has warned the move could increase crime in an area which is already seen as "a magnet for anti-social behaviour".

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She said: "Staff at the city centre McDonald's already feel vulnerable due to high levels of crime occurring inside and outside the restaurant.

"Opening the store to 2am could make this worse, with the police in the area overstretched.

Norwich Evening News: Green councillor Amanda FoxGreen councillor Amanda Fox (Image: Sonya Duncan)

"There are people who need to get food late at night, for example after working shifts, but the McDonald's is a magnet for anti-social behaviour in the city centre and public safety should be protected."

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Concerns have previously been raised over anti-social behaviour around the restaurant - with the nearby William Booth Street dubbed 'scally alley' as statistically Norwich's most crime-ridden area.

Both city folk and police have voiced concerns about large groups loitering around the McDonald's late at night, while complaints about litter in the area have also prompted management of the nearby Burger King to commit to combatting the issue. 

Norwich Evening News: The nearby William Booth StreetThe nearby William Booth Street (Image: Denise Bradley)

A spokesman for McDonald's said: “We have submitted an application for our Hay Hill restaurant to remain open until 2am on Fridays and Saturdays.

"We continue to invest in CCTV and security guards to ensure our restaurant remains a safe and welcoming environment for all customers.”

The application has been lodged with Norwich City Council and will be considered by the licensing committee at City Hall.