After putting her newborn baby boy to bed, Hollie Mahood’s heart was filled with the memories of the “wholesome” day her family had spent together. 

Tragically, just hours later, her world was turned upside down when she found four-month-old Rory had died suddenly in his cot. 

Now, the 34-year-old, of Fundenhall, near Wymondham, has paid tribute to her "delightful and playful" youngest son. 

"The day before he died was such a perfect day,” she said. 

"It was a Saturday, and I was able to spend the whole day with him and his brother Patrick, who is two. 

Norwich Evening News: Hollie Mahood with her son, Rory

"Their dad, my husband Tom, had gone to work and I played with the boys before we went for a walk with the dogs - Rory was in the carrier and Patrick in the stroller. 

"When Tom got home, I took Rory with me when I went for a run, and he slept in the running buggy. 

"Then we all went outside together as a family into our garden. 

Norwich Evening News: Patrick and Rory Mahood

"We were looking at all the wildlife and fauna, and Rory was taking it all in while Patrick played with the worms. 

"Later, when Patrick was in bed, Tom watched the rugby with Rory – he’ll always treasure that time – before going to bed. 

"We had such a wholesome day. 

"Rory was so settled, and Tom and I kept looking at each other and saying we were so lucky. 

"It was almost too good to be true." 

At around 10.30pm on October 14, Mrs Mahood kissed her baby boy goodnight and went to grab some precious minutes of sleep before he woke again. 

At 1am she instinctively woke and waited for him to stir. After 10 minutes she had not heard him, so went to check on him. 

She said: "I was surprised he hadn’t woken up. 

"I went to check on him and he looked completely peaceful. I put my hand on his tummy and couldn’t feel him breathing, there was no movement. 

"I felt his head and knew instantly that he had died." 

Rory died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in the early hours of October 15.   

Norwich Evening News: Tom Mahood with his sons, Rory and Patrick

Since his passing, the couple - who run a cleaning business and Gain Fitness gym in Norwich – has been raising funds in their son’s memory to support research into SIDS. 

"We want to end an unacceptable cycle of heartbreak for thousands of families who unexpectedly lose their babies,” Mrs Mahood added. 

“For those few weeks of his precious life, he was a healthy happy baby, developing well and then suddenly, without warning, he was taken from us. 

"We were catapulted into the world of baby loss, and one where there seemed to be barely any explanations or answers.  

“We found that hard to believe and we are not prepared to accept that. 

“We wanted Rory’s life to be important, and his death to be important too.” 

Now the bereaved parents are working with Australian doctor Carmel Harrington. 

Her team, based at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, claim to have identified Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) - the first biochemical marker that could help detect babies more at risk of SIDS. 

The study by Dr Harrington, who lost her own child to SIDS three decades ago, found BChE levels were significantly lower in babies who subsequently died of SIDS compared to other infant deaths. 

Mrs Mahood said: "In Rory’s memory, we aim to partner with Dr Harrington and several other organisations globally to raise funds to advance her research and develop a test that identifies SIDS susceptible babies. 

Norwich Evening News: Rory Mahood

“This is the goal of what we are calling Rory’s Hope. 

“Despite having such a short time with us, Rory made such an impact on those who knew and loved him, from his delightful smiles and giggles to his playful personality.  

“Rory’s Hope will raise money to go directly to SIDS research in the hope of preventing other families from having to suffer this utter tragedy.”