Surprised volunteers have said they found prime minister Rishi Sunak to be "very genuine" as he made a poppy-selling cameo with them in Norwich.

Mr Sunak joined the Royal British Legion (RBL) sellers at the rail station on his way to speak to the media about North Sea drilling licences in Bacton.

Lyn Hatch, the RBL’s Poppy Appeal manager for Norfolk, said: "It was a surprise when they said he would like to come to the station to collect because Norfolk is always the end of the line isn’t it?

“It was a lovely surprise for our volunteers though. It was absolutely wonderful and each one of the volunteers was buzzing when we left. 

Norwich Evening News: Prime minister Rishi Sunak made a surprise appearance as a poppy seller at Norwich Rail StationPrime minister Rishi Sunak made a surprise appearance as a poppy seller at Norwich Rail Station (Image: Prime Minister's Office)

“Obviously he was only there for a short time as they were running late because of the traffic. 

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“But he was really good and kind, was talking to people and seemed very genuine." 

Mr Sunak used his social media accounts to later say it had been a "huge privilege" to meet the RBL volunteers in Norwich ahead of Remembrance Sunday.

Ms Hatch said the PM met four committed members of the local Poppy Appeal team on Monday morning.

She continued: “We had two veterans with us. James Hodgins was injured while on duty and the British Legion helped him, so it is his way of giving back, helping with the Poppy Appeal for Sprowston. 

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“And Ann Rogerson is also a veteran. She and I are members of the Women’s Royal Army Corps Association and Ann collects in memory of her father, who was a Desert Rat. 

Norwich Evening News: Prime minister Rishi Sunak met poppy sellers at Norwich Rail StationPrime minister Rishi Sunak met poppy sellers at Norwich Rail Station (Image: Prime Minister's Office)

“Christopher Page collects in Norwich and was a Desert Rat, who does re-enactments as his father was also a Desert Rat.

“And Rose Samaroo’s father and husband served in the RAF and she has been collecting in Norwich for us.”