A school is appealing for the return of its life-saving defibrillator which has been missing for three months.  

Mile Cross Primary School fought tirelessly to source the device for their school two years ago and it has been used three times since its installation.  

But after the last use on July 18 of this year, the defibrillator - used to restore a normal heartbeat after a cardiac arrest - has never come back.  

Deputy headteacher Toby Whalen said: “The school prides itself in the fact that every single member of staff is First Aid trained - including life support training.  

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“Therefore, we are all trained to potentially save a life, including using a defibrillator, which is recognised as giving the best chance of survival if someone has suffered a heart attack.” 

The Brasier Road school's staff have been very proud to know that the defib had been used multiple times to potentially save a life, but now they have been left worried.  

Norwich Evening News: Mile Cross Primary School's deputy headteacher Toby Whalen, pictured with former pupils in 2018Mile Cross Primary School's deputy headteacher Toby Whalen, pictured with former pupils in 2018 (Image: Denise Bradley/Newsquest)

Toby continued: “To not have it returned to us now makes us feel very uneasy that we may be in the position of not being able to save a life. 

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"We have been very lucky that we have not been in the situation yet, of not having one and needing one, although now sadly it is only a matter of time.

“The feeling of helplessness and guilt within the school community we would feel if we were to need a defib and not being able to access one does not bare thinking about.” 

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After the school was donated the defibrillator by Heart2Heart Norfolk, its pupils started a fundraising campaign for the charity to pay it forward.  

Toby added: “If it is not returned the school will not be able to fund the £1,000 needed to replace it.”