Locals are calling for anti-social parking near a city pub to be stopped ahead of a crunch meeting.

Folk living near The Whiffler, in City View Road, have claimed drivers are blocking nearby pavements and road entrances.

The issue has now become such an issue that district councillors for Hellesdon South, Lacey Douglass and Simon Jones, have arranged a meeting with the Wetherspoons pub.

Norwich Evening News: Locals say changes to the forecourt at The Whiffler have led to parking problems in nearby roadsLocals say changes to the forecourt at The Whiffler have led to parking problems in nearby roads (Image: Newsquest)

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"The problem is that people are parking on either side of City View Road," said Cllr Douglass. 

"This is then spilling into both Coronation and Hercules Road.

"It's an issue that keeps coming up whenever we door knock.

"And it's only been made worse by the closure of Boundary Road.

"We just can't let it continue."

Norwich Evening News: Cllr Lacey DouglassCllr Lacey Douglass (Image: Lacey Douglass)

The Whiffler sacrificed more than 20 of its car parking spaces for greater outdoor seating provision during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pub then decided to make this change permanent - a move locals say has shunted parking onto the streets and kerb sides instead. 

"It is creating a public safety issue because drivers can't turn into neighbouring roads," said Cllr Jones.

"Residents are also unable to walk on the pavement.

"This is especially problematic because there are a number of elderly people who live in the area. 

Norwich Evening News: Cllr Simon JonesCllr Simon Jones (Image: Simon Jones)

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"We have spoken to the pub but it's difficult because they say it is not just customers who are parking there. 

"They also argue that a lot of people walk, rather than drive.

"We will continue to talk with them and try to find a solution."

It is understood that converting land to the rear of The Whiffler into additional parking has been one of many ideas put forward during initial talks.

A spokesman for Wetherspoon said: "A neighbourhood meeting has been arranged for August 22 between representatives from the company, local ward councillors, the licensing officer and local residents to discuss the issue.

"This will include to what extent it is caused by customers using the pub and whether the addition of double yellow lines on the roads in question could help."