There was a near miss in historic city street Elm Hill this morning, as part of a disused building's wall crumbled and crashed to the ground.

A man walking nearby was thankfully able to dodge the debris and potentially serious harm.

The former art gallery at number 34 has been causing quite a stir in the medieval street as bits of the building fall into the street on an almost daily basis.

Norwich Evening News: Lisa has to sweep outside her shop every day Lisa has to sweep outside her shop every day (Image: Brittany Woodman)

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Lisa Bambridge who owns the neighbouring jewellery shop, Stoned and Hammered, has been left wondering ‘what if’ after the incident.

She said: “Luckily, I was not here when it actually fell down. I was weirdly running late, so I can only imagine what would’ve happened if I was on time. Anne, who owns the coin shop, told me about it.  

Norwich Evening News: Debris falls from the 500 year old building almost daily Debris falls from the 500 year old building almost daily (Image: Lisa Bambridge)

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“Number 34 Elm Hill has been left in a state of disrepair since the art gallery moved out – bits have been falling off every day and I have to go out and sweep it all up but what happened on Thursday was different.  

“A whole panel of concrete fell down with lots of wood and part of the window frame and crashed into the pavement below.  

“A man was walking past at the time; he was on the road and the debris only just missed him – it could have really caused some damage.”  

Norwich Evening News: The incident happened early morning on Thursday The incident happened early morning on Thursday (Image: Lisa Bambridge)

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Neighbours in the street believe it is not being looked after in the way it should, they say too many buildings are in this state.  

Lisa added: “It’s not like a modern house, they can be fixed much the same, but with these historical houses which are 500 years old or older, once they are gone, they are gone forever.” 

It is understood that the city council have been informed about the issue.

Norwich Evening News: The building has fallen into disrepair following the closure of the gallery The building has fallen into disrepair following the closure of the gallery (Image: Lisa Bambridge)