A man led police on a chase through Norwich just hours after having taken cocaine, a court heard.

Stuart Brook, 28, drove through red lights and on the wrong side of the road to avoid police following a chase through Norwich.

Norwich Evening News: Stuart Brook caught by police driving dangerously through NorwichStuart Brook caught by police driving dangerously through Norwich (Image: Norfolk Police)

Norwich Crown Court heard police had to force Brook to stop the Citroen car he was driving on Rouen Road following the late-night chase on June 1 this year.

Norwich Evening News: Norwich Crown CourtNorwich Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Chris Youell, prosecuting, said Brook had been spotted by police driving along Thorpe Road but failed to stop.

Brook, who was driving a Citroen car that belonged to someone else, went down Riverside Road, Carrow Road and up Rouen Road during the chase which happened "quite late in the evening" and with "quite a lot of traffic" on the road.

Brook, who had taken cocaine earlier that evening, had gone through red lights and driven on the wrong side of the road and into the path of other road users.

Although it was not a high-speed pursuit Brook was travelling at between 40mph and 50mph during the chase.

Norwich Evening News: Stuart Brook caught driving dangerously through NorwichStuart Brook caught driving dangerously through Norwich (Image: Norfolk Police)

He was taken to hospital after the chase but while at the hospital refused to provide a blood sample.

Brook, currently of HMP Norwich, appeared at court earlier this month having previously admitted dangerous driving and failing to provide a specimen of blood for the drugs test.

Sentencing Brook to 10 months in custody and disqualifying him for driving for a total of three years and four months, Recorder Douglas Edwards said it was "appalling dangerous driving" which had been both "prolonged and persistent".

Richard Kelly, representing Brook, said the defendant now recognised his behaviour on the night and the way he drove was "completely unacceptable".

He said the defendant had been compliant at the roadside but after being taken to hospital became "irritated" and refused to take part in the drugs test.