A man convicted over a Norwich stabbing was previously jailed for a knife attack on a teenager in revenge for a video posted on YouTube, it can be revealed today. 

Solomon Oguidi, 20, had been due to stand trial having previously denied wounding with intent and possession of a knife after a stabbing in Chambers Road, Mile Cross.

Norwich Evening News: Police at Chambers Road, Mile Cross following a stabbing in January 2021. Police at Chambers Road, Mile Cross following a stabbing in January 2021. (Image: Newsquest)

But Oguidi entered a guilty plea on Monday (June 19) to a lesser charge of unlawful wounding to a separate offence.


Police had been called to a property in the area at just after 9pm on January 9, 2021, to reports a man in his 20s had been stabbed.

Norwich Evening News: Solomon Oguidi has admitted unlawful wounding following a stabbing in Chambers Road, Mile Cross in January 2021. Image: NewsquestSolomon Oguidi has admitted unlawful wounding following a stabbing in Chambers Road, Mile Cross in January 2021. Image: Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

Gerard Renouf, prosecuting, said a trial would not be needed after the defendant indicated he would plead guilty to a section 20 offence on the basis he "grabbed hold of a knife and used it".

Mr Renouf said as a result of the wounds received by the victim he has suffered a number of problems and underwent surgery a few weeks ago.

He asked that the possession of a knife offence Oguidi had been charged with, which was "part and parcel of the indictment he's pleaded to", could lie on file.

Oguidi, formerly of Bowers Avenue, Mile Cross, but currently of HMP Norwich, was told by Judge Alice Robinson he would be sentenced on August 4.

Norwich Evening News: Judge Alice Robinson. Image: NewsquestJudge Alice Robinson. Image: Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

Ian James, representing Oguidi, said his client was 18 when the stabbing happened and was, at the time, unconvicted.

Oguidi's guilty plea, which negated the need for a trial, means this paper can reveal Oguidi is a serving inmate having been convicted over a previous knife attack which saw a teen stabbed in revenge for videos posted on YouTube.

Norwich Evening News: Aylmer Tower, Mile Cross near where Solomon Oguidi was involved in a stabbing in February 2021. Image: NewsquestAylmer Tower, Mile Cross near where Solomon Oguidi was involved in a stabbing in February 2021. Image: Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

The teenage victim suffered a punctured lung as well as wounds to his arms and thigh after being stabbed with a knife during the attack close to Aylmer Tower on Lefroy Road, Mile Cross, in February 2021.

The court had heard the attack was part of "gang warfare" involving two rival groups and came after the victim had posted three videos on YouTube which were critical of and abusive towards the other gang.

In November 2021 Oguidi, who had been carrying an axe when the attack occurred, was sentenced to four years in a Young Offenders Institute (YOI) after he previously admitted wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm as well as possession of an offensive weapon.

Norwich Evening News: Aylmer Tower, Mile Cross near to where Solomon Oguidi was involved in a knife attack in February 2021. Image: NewsquestAylmer Tower, Mile Cross near to where Solomon Oguidi was involved in a knife attack in February 2021. Image: Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

He was one of four gang members sentenced to a total of more than 20 years in custody for the attack.

Norwich Evening News: Solomon Oguidi. Image: Norfolk ConstabularySolomon Oguidi. Image: Norfolk Constabulary (Image: Norfolk Constabulary)




Allan Moss, then 19, of Woodside Road, Norwich was sentenced to six years and nine months and two teens, then aged 16 and 17, got four years and nine months and five years and six months respectively.

John Farmer, prosecuting, said the pursuit had been "like a pack of dogs pursuing an animal with the intent to beat him up".

He said there was a clear indication it was a "revenge attack linked to YouTube videos".

The court was shown mobile phone footage captured by neighbours that showed the victim being kicked and stamped on until a woman intervened.

Mr Farmer said Oguidi had been carrying an axe when the attack occurred but that this weapon had not caused the stab wounds which are believed to have been the result of a small pointed blade.

All four defendants sentenced for the attack were made the subject of a restraining order prohibiting them from contacting the victim for eight years.

A fifth youth was earlier sentenced at Norwich Magistrates' Court for his part in the attack.