A city business which lost half of its customers during the pandemic is celebrating its 10th year after finding a way to respond to changing trends.  

Tom and Toto is a dog walking and luxury daycare service based at White House Farm in Sprowston but operating throughout the city.  

Norwich Evening News: The paw-ty was complete with branded biscuits The paw-ty was complete with branded biscuits (Image: Tom and Toto)

READ MORE: Norwich luxury doggy daycare Tom and Toto wins award

Owner of Tom and Toto, Sarah Wright, said: “During Covid I lost half of my business when customers began working from home and the financial impact of the pandemic affected many others.” 

But Sarah did not let this deter her as she was confident her services were needed in the Norwich area. 

She said: “I introduced a new service, a puppy playgroup, during lockdown to socialise lockdown puppies who otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to experience the world in those important early months. 

Norwich Evening News: The biscuits went down very well with party guests The biscuits went down very well with party guests (Image: Tom and Toto)

READ MORE: Sprowton's Tom and Toto dogs dress up for World Book Day

“These puppies went on to join group walks and eventually many joined daycare and the business ended up larger after the pandemic than it was before.” 

The cost of living crisis has brought fresh challenges for the business, with running costs soaring and many people unable to afford it. 

Sarah has found that they are still able to thrive – and have been able to celebrate a very successful 10 years in business with the city’s hounds.  

Norwich Evening News: Tom and Toto offer luxury doggy daycare, dog walking and social groups for city dog owners Tom and Toto offer luxury doggy daycare, dog walking and social groups for city dog owners (Image: Tom and Toto)

READ MORE: Dream job? A day in the life of a doggy day carer

She said: “We continue to thrive with 28 dogs per day in the daycare and 55 dogs per day on walks.  

“The services are much more than a luxury - improving the quality of life for both dog and owner.” 

With this Tom and Toto had a large party to celebrate - with more than 120 attendees, both human and canine.

Norwich Evening News: Folk were invited to see their dogs play with their friends Folk were invited to see their dogs play with their friends (Image: Tom and Toto)

Sarah said of the celebrations “It was such a special event.  

“It was a time for our clients to see their dogs play with their friends and spend time with the team who care for them.” 

Norwich Evening News: Owner, Sarah Wright is so pleased to report how well the business is doing Owner, Sarah Wright is so pleased to report how well the business is doing (Image: Tom and Toto)