After working as a solicitor in private practice, local government and for various charities, Audrey led a successful campaign to establish the Suffolk Law Centre, of which she is director.

Launched in 2018, the Centre provides a mix of legal aid and free specialist legal advice services, enabling those in Suffolk who cannot afford lawyers to address legal crises like eviction, discrimination and family breakdown. This includes running the housing court duty scheme at Bury St Edmunds Court and a helpdesk at the Family Court at Ipswich Magistrates’. She shares her favourite things about our county.


There are two standouts. Our wedding, a quarter of a century ago, in Hadleigh Guildhall, and the launch of Suffolk Law Centre in 2018.


Shingle Street, which is the image on my phone home screen. I like the emptiness and undulations of the shingle.


Either a coast walk or cycling in one of our county’s many forests.


Ipswich, which has been my home for 30 years; a real place to live and full of contrasts.


My always excellent local, The Woolpack, in Ipswich.

Place to eat

Either The Leaping Hare at Wyken Vineyard or Milk Shed Café, just outside Ipswich.

Day out/Attraction

It has to be Christchurch Park and Mansion. They are like old friends to me - constantly changing as I grow older, seeing the seasons change through them.


Coes. Never for myself, but clothes for my husband. And they wrap Christmas presents, which is a task at which I am hopeless!


Definitely Adnams gin. Both the Copperhouse and the non-alcoholic Smigin. I am on low carb diet so gin and low-calorie tonic is my social drink of choice.