Norwich City Council appears to have declared war on boy racers after proposing new measures to fine those driving in an anti-social way.

New plans would see cops given extra powers to fine offending drivers across the entire city and is being put to the public in an online consultation which closes on Friday, March 24.

It comes after police closed the Britannia Road car park in Thorpe Hamlet following complaints from neighbours over loud exhausts and speeding.

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) would see aggressive acceleration, racing, stunts, excessive noise and congregating with other vehicles banned and punishable with a fine.

Signage will also be placed at known hotspots of vehicle nuisance.

Labour county councillor Beth Jones, cabinet member for community safety, said: “Vehicle nuisance has become a growing issue for the city, and we have worked closely with partners to address and monitor the situation.

“This citywide consultation invites residents to not only provide feedback on our proposals but ask questions and highlight their own experience with any of the issues involved.”

Those wishing to take part in the consultation can do so on the council's website.