I am sure I was not the only person who was left in shock after reading the Evening News that the Norwich walk-in centre might close

I’m fully aware the health system and how it runs and is funded is a complicated picture but with the well known pressures facing the NHS, I cannot see why closing the walk-in centre in Rouen Road is a good proposal. 

I come from the point of view of a patient who has used the city centre base on several occasions. 

I went there in 2019 to get a prescription for pain killers when I was in agony with a bad back and we were advised to by 111 to go to the centre. 

I have also taken my daughter there on two separate occasions in the evening, once when she had to get her forehead glued together after cutting it on a kitchen chair, and when we were worried about a rash late last year, amid concerns about Strep A

In all those visits it was convenient to be able to see a medical specialist at the walk-in centre which we could easily drive to, park nearby and get seen relatively quickly. 

The alternative would have been waiting a very long time in the accident and emergency department at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, which is never fun. 

I also know the service is under extreme pressure so if I can go elsewhere and get seen quicker as well as not clog up the A&E waiting room, I will always go for that option. 

There is a risk though that the centre could close its doors in Rouen Road after the One Norwich Practices’ contract runs out next March. 

A consultation is taking place and hopefully health bosses will notice the widespread support for it.