I have written previously about how I appreciate and use buses to get to and from work in the city. 

So, this week it was great to be able to report on First Eastern Counties bringing in new electric buses for Norwich. 

Older buses in the fleet will be replaced with around 15 new single-deck zero emission buses and it is hoped the vehicles will be on the road by March next year. 

Work on charging infrastructure will be starting this year and the £6.9m for the major investment has come from Department for Transport and First. 

As a regular bus passenger, I am very happy to hear that and look forward to potentially sitting in one of the green buses. 

I have become increasingly concerned about protecting the environment over the past few years as the urgency of the climate crisis has been highlighted over the past few years. 

There is also a worry about what world my two young children will grow up in. 

That is why I take the bus to work, to cut down on my car usage, and it also stops me having to pay for parking in the city centre. 

It is clear though that some of the buses in Norwich need an upgrade. 

The city does have a good offer of public transport but getting green buses is a great way to revamp the system. 

Not only will it make the buses cleaner and quieter, which will lessen noise and air pollution. 

It is critical that public transport is made as green as possible because air pollution is a major issue affecting towns and cities across the country. 

There are many places across the UK that are embracing zero waste buses and it is great to see Norwich doing its bit to protect our vulnerable planet.