Altered plans have been put forward to convert part of a pub into eight ensuite rooms amid "a lack of affordable short term accommodation for city workers".

Dan Trivedi, from Trivedi Property Developments, who lives in Costessey, has applied to Norwich City Council to turn part of Heath House in Gertrude Road into serviced accommodation.

Norwich Evening News: Heath House pub in Gertrude Road, Norwich, pictured in 2012Heath House pub in Gertrude Road, Norwich, pictured in 2012 (Image: Denise Bradley)

If approved, part of the pub, which is closed according to Sewell ward city councillor Alex Catt, would be retained for future commercial purposes including a pub, coffee shop or restaurant.

Mr Trivedi previously applied to the council to turn the property into a nine-bedroom house of multiple occupancy (HMO) for long-term use and retain part of it for commercial use.

But the property developer, who bought Heath House in December 2021 and declined to comment on whether the pub was open or not, withdrew plans in August.

Norwich Evening News: Property developer Dan Trivedi who bought Heath House pub in Gertrude Road, Norwich, in December 2021Property developer Dan Trivedi who bought Heath House pub in Gertrude Road, Norwich, in December 2021 (Image: Sophie Wyllie)

He said: "It will be short term/Airbnb-style accommodation. It is for people staying for chunks of time from a few days to two weeks.

"It would be for workers travelling to Norwich who cannot afford to pay £85-£100 a night for a room. There is a lack of affordable short term accommodation and that is why we are seeing the growth in Airbnb."

He added the plans would create high quality accommodation and the number of rooms was reduced to take in a larger communal kitchen, but the changing market would influence how the commercial space would be used.

It is not yet known when the rooms would become available and there would be nine car parking spaces on site and the potential for four full-time staff roles.

Norwich Evening News: Alex Catt, Green Party city councillor for Sewell ward in NorwichAlex Catt, Green Party city councillor for Sewell ward in Norwich (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Catt, who represents the Green Party, said he was glad Mr Trivedi had listened to local concerns over the building being turned into an HMO and said returning part of it to a pub would benefit to the area.

Norwich Evening News: Julie Brociek-Coulton, Labour city and county councillor for Sewell ward in NorwichJulie Brociek-Coulton, Labour city and county councillor for Sewell ward in Norwich (Image: Victoria Pertusa/Newsquest)

Julie Brociek-Coulton, Labour city and county councillor for Sewell, remained concerned about the accommodation aspect because of its impact on parking in Gertrude Road.

She said: "There is hardly any space for people living in the road for parking at the moment."

Mr Trivedi said he expected people staying at Heath House would share cars.