A piece of history overlooking one of the city's vast skyline views has been restored to save it from crumbling for good.

The irregular boundary wall in Kett's Heights has deteriorated over the last few decades but volunteers from the Friends of Kett's Heights group have given it a new lease of life.

Kett's Heights played an important role in what is known today as Kett's Rebellion, as St Michael’s Church - which was located atop the area - housed the 10,000-strong rebels in their fight against the rich over a dispute in the enclosure of land in 1549.

The wall which remains is approximately 55 metres long and two metres high.

Norwich Evening News:

Led by David Howarth and other group members they worked on repairing the western boundary wall, running from the upper green to the bottom of the steps.

David Howarth said: "Although we assumed at the beginning of the repairs that repointing was all that would be needed, we soon found that many sections of the wall were in such a serious condition that partial rebuilding was required.

"However, we persevered and I can now report that the repairs to the wall are complete."

The wall was originally built with lime mortar, which is more flexible than modern cement and allowed the structure to breathe.

Norwich Evening News:

Subsequent repairs however used cement which had caused the wall to fracture in places.

So before the group could restore the wall they had to take a lime mortar training course, facilitated by Norwich City Council, which owns the site.

Once the repairs were finished the group had used approximately three-quarters of a tonne of lime mortar and spent over 300 hours carrying out the repairs.

Norwich Evening News: In total it took over 300 hours to complete the repairsIn total it took over 300 hours to complete the repairs (Image: Friends of Kett's Heights)

Cavan Stewart, chair of the Friends of Kett’s Heights, added: "This is a truly amazing achievement and a testament to the dedication of our volunteers.

"Many thanks to Norwich City Council and the Fringe Project for their help in bringing Kett’s Heights back to life."

As well as the boundary wall Kett's Hill also has a piggery dating back to the Second World War, a herb garden and St Michael's Church.