An exhibition aimed at raising funds for humanitarian aid in Ukraine has opened in Norwich.

Ancient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation for just a few days.

The show invites visitors to discover ancient Trypillyan culture which shaped Ukrainian cultural ancestry through paintings, costumes and artefacts brought over from Ukraine.

Organisers hope to raise awareness and aid for Ukraine as the war continues and temperatures already starting to drop to minus numbers at night in some areas.

Norwich Evening News: Ancient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in UkraineAncient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in Ukraine (Image: Archant)

Iryna Forostyan, who organised the exhibition, came to Norwich alone from Western Ukraine several months ago, as a humanitarian volunteer for a non-profit organisation.

Ms Forostyan says: "We have to say who we are. We have to explain our historical situation and raise awareness of our country and people".

Norwich Evening News: Ancient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in UkraineAncient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in Ukraine (Image: Archant)

Donations from the show will go towards medical and food supplies as well as heaters and support for refugees trying to get to the UK.

Norwich Evening News: Ancient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in UkraineAncient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in Ukraine (Image: Archant)

Ms Forostyan left behind her brother and nephew, along with other family and friends when she left her home city of Ivano-Frankivsk.

She added: "It is very important to tell people who are there that we talk about it, that we are helping."

Donations to the cause can be made via JustGiving by searching for Info Art Frontier UA.

Ancient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on display at Anteros Arts Foundation until October 22 and is in association with the Rotary club of Norwich St Edmund.

Norwich Evening News: Ancient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in UkraineAncient Ukraine - Britanii: Common Heritage is on show at Anteros Arts Foundation to raise funds for humanitarian aid in Ukraine (Image: Archant)