Have you ever wanted to destroy a television with a baseball bat?

Norwich Evening News: The rage room will be located within a former gospel hall on Dereham Road. Photo: Luke PowellThe rage room will be located within a former gospel hall on Dereham Road. Photo: Luke Powell (Image: Archant)

That is the premise behind a new business due to open on Dereham Road in Norwich next month.

Rackheath businessman Nigel Spurling says he is planning to create the city's first 'rage room', where people can let off steam by breaking things.

Based within a former gospel hall and split into three rooms, people will be given the freedom to destroy countless objects with everything from bats to golf clubs.

Mr Spurling, 51, who runs his own scaffolding firm, said: 'The idea started in Paris, Texas, around 10 years ago and has got quite big in America and Canada.

'However, it is quite new this side of the pond and there certainly isn't anything like it in this part of the country.

'A rage room is basically a place people can go and break stuff - things like glass panes, mugs or even old televisions.'

Participants will be given a choice of heavy-duty bats or hammers before being allowed into a room to wreak havoc.

They will also be equipped with safety gear to ensure they do not put themselves or others in danger.

Once people complete their rampages, the wreckage is cleared and recycled, with the props sourced from various outlets.

Mr Spurling said customers can pay between £20 and £25 for a single 20 -minute rampage.

They will also have access to a 'menu' where they can pay extra for bigger items, such as televisions or old printers.

He said: 'It is all a bit of fun and not to be taken too seriously, but it is completely different to anything else on offer.

'They can also be a great source of stress relief.'

Mr Spurling said he decided to open his own rage room with his business partner Leighton Johnson after seeing one advertised on YouTube last summer.

He initially planned to launch his venture from an office at the Norwich Airport industrial estate, but the offer fell through.

Now he has been given permission by Norwich City Council to launch the business within part of a former gospel hall.

He has so far invested about £3,000 in the venture.

Mr Spurling said anyone over the age of 16 will be able to use the rage room. The business is due to open in the next three to four weeks.

• Are you launching an unusual business venture? Email luke.powell@archant.co.uk