A councillor who recently turned 90 has celebrated another milestone by completing his 50th parkrun.

Kenneth Leggett MBE, from Old Catton, had his birthday on January 20, and marked the feat at Catton Park on Sunday, after walking the three mile course in 70 minutes.

Official parkrun meets have been suspended due to the pandemic, but organisers have said participants can still log their times.

Norwich Evening News: Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park.Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park. (Image: Victoria Pertusa)

Norwich Evening News: Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park.Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park. (Image: Archant)

The Old Catton and Sprowston West Broadland councillor was described by his family as "pretty fit" having played tennis twice a week for 60 years, and enjoyed long distance walks, including six treks in the Himalayas.

Mr Leggett, who helped to secure grant funding to restore Catton Park, said: "I had marvellous satisfaction. I did it in an hour and 10 minutes which for me is quite good.

"It's important if you can walk now, it's very important I think that you get out for a walk every day despite the weather. You are not trying to race with anybody, you are competing with yourself. The fresh air is marvellous and you can always put on another scarf. When you come back home the satisfaction and the feeling you have especially when you are on your own.

"We are extremely lucky to live in a lovely place like Old Catton and Norfolk, it's a great privilege."

Mr Leggett added that there was also a responsibility to check on those who could not get out for a walk by staying in contact via the telephone or socially distanced visits.

Norwich Evening News: Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park.Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park. (Image: Archant)

Norwich Evening News: Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park.Kenneth Leggett MBE, who represents Old Catton and Sprowston West, has completed his 50th Park Run at Catton Park. (Image: Archant)

Helping to set his pace was his son Peter who walked ahead as his father completed his goal.

He said: "He's been doing it since park runs began. He walks at a reasonable pace with the help of his walking sticks. He hasn't done them every week but every now and again.

"He has always been a pretty fit chap, playing tennis twice a week for 60 years. Tennis was his first love, he also swims and long distance walking. He has done several long trecks in the UK and a trek in the Himalayas.

"It was nice to be able to see him complete it. It's a real achievement for a 90 year old."